Thursday, June 10, 2010

Close to my Heart

Today up in windy cold Bowral I was attempting to cross the road with bless-ed Tia. I looked at this huge vehicle coming down the road. I recognised it as an ambulance but I also realised that it was larger than usual. I read the words on the side of the ambulance. 'Intensive Care Transportation for Newborns and Children' across the back were the letters N.E.T.S

My heart went to my throat and I was back two years (yes Tia is nearly 2) to seeing the huge perspex box with the flashing lights being wheeled towards me with my baby inside.

'Look, Tia, look! It's the NETS team!'I exclaimed pointing at the ambulance. I could barely control myself from cheering and waving as they continued on down the road. I wanted to run up, open the door and hug the heroic driver.

NETS are the emergency transport team for newborns and kids. They're the last people you ever want to meet because if you do your child is in serious need of care. When you do meet them they are like angels who have come to help you.

As I walked back to the mothership I relived the moments, and it was only moments, which I had with the NETS team, my baby and the flashing lights box. I realised I'd never thanked them.

So today I thank them. Today I realised I hold these fabulous people close to my heart. Like many organisations you never know about them until you need them. Lucky for us they're there.

Go to to find out more or if you'd like to make a donation :)



  1. Such an amazing team of people!!! Both my boys had NETS transfers and Eli multiple trips to different hospitals. Despite the risky journey and how busy they were they did everything to not only look after my baby but also put their poor mum at ease. Nae

  2. Nae, They're fantastic and they get such little recognition. My hubby had more to do with them than me as I was in ICU at the time. He said they were great and wouldn't leave until I'd seen her. Thanks for your comment :)
