Sunday, July 11, 2010

Let's breathe.............

As mothers we face daily ups and downs. Our beautiful loving child can become a screaming terror in seconds, our neat, clean and tidy home can be demolished to rubble in a blink of an eye and we can fall into bed so tired at the end of the day that the next time we open our eyes we wonder where the night has gone and how are we going to get up to do it again.

I've been attending a meditation group lately. One of the helpful things I've learnt are breathing exercises. I found this practice at It is derived from the Buddhist belief. It is as simple as breathing in and out and thinking or saying the words.Tonglen is a practice of compassion. In order to have compassion for ourselves we need to cultivate it for others. You take in the difficult parts of mothering for yourself and for all other mothers send out love and compassion.

Tonglen for Mothers

I breathe in the daily frustrations

small as they are, big as they can seem

I breathe out patience for us all.

I breathe in the loneliness

of days spent mothering on our own

I breathe out connection

community, compassion.

I breathe in the brokenness

not being enough in the world

I breathe out wholeness

leaving ideals behind, truth.

I breathe in the boredom

diapers, cooking, same every day

I breathe out simple pleasure

swings, finger painting, rocks.

I breathe in the exhaustion,

the worry, the fear

I breathe out the calm energy, excitement.

I breathe in the rage

at your plight, your place, your life

I breathe out peace

contentment, courage.

- DeLona Campos-Davis

A small amount of breathing and being still can lead to a whole lot of calm, peace and contentment.

So next time the going gets tough or you find yourself in a happy moment remember to breathe :)

Wishing you happy days,


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