I'm blogging today! You've heard heaps from Mum so I thought I'd say hello today. I want to tell you a bit about me.
Yes, I was a bit of surprise for Mum and Dad, but I knew they'd love me so I came along anyway. I made sure they knew I was coming from the word go. Where I choose to land in Mum's womb was not ideal so I dug in and made myself comfy. Putting Mum in hospital for such along time wasn't the plan but that is how it happened. I think it ended with more positives than negatives.
Being welcomed to my family has been fabulous! The boys and Harmony love me and would do anything for me. I just need to cry and whine a bit ;)
I am lucky as I have no health issues that other premmies suffer from. My best friend she is an amazing girl too. She was born even younger than me. We love to hang out and watch our mums chat.
What do I love to do? I love to eat as you can see from my photo. I love the outdoors and will sneak out of the house any chance I get. I constantly say hello to people. I surprise people in the shops. They are always friendly back and I think we should say hello to each other more. I love laughing too. I get a real chuckle up and if you tickle my ribs I squeal in delight.
I'm pretty clever as I can climb things real easy. The other day I climbed up onto the toilet seat to play in the hand basin. It was fun playing in the water. Mum was happy the lid was down and I didn't fall in. She worries too much sometimes.
I have started to walk more now. I get real excited and I don't fall over too much. I finally worked out my knees were getting too sore from crawling.
My Dad is too cool. He was great last year looking after everyone. Dad uses words like love, blessings and forgiveness all the time. But when he talks about Mum he says she's his rock? I don't know what that is about.
I do know I am lucky to have them as my Bless-ed parents.
I asked Mum, Dad, the boys and Harms what words described me and this is what they said.
Cute, nice, fun, independent, cheeky, determined, resilient, clever, demanding, funny, cautious, jealous, loving, alert, penetrating presence.
I'm glad they only had mostly nice things to say!
Well, that is about it for today. I'll come back and tell you some more soon.
Nice to meet you all,