This is a photo of some of my current favourite trinkets which I have decided to share with you.
My butterfly necklace was a gift from my best friend for my last birthday. She choose it as she knows how much butterflies mean to me. The week before I conceived Tia I went to a butterfly sanctuary and I have been mesmerized by them ever since. I asked so many questions on the guided tour I was offered a job! I spent two hours quietly watching the butterflies glide and swoop effortless around their enclosure. When I was in hospital I'd watched the butterflies outside my window. Some days they were the only company I had.
The other day I was walking up our drive watching the butterflies, thinking about this and how at times during my hospital stay I felt like I was in a chrysalis and that when I returned to the world I would start a new life. The words I'd recently read by Nathaniel Hawthorne came to my mind.
'Happiness is a butterfly, which when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you sit down quietly, may alight upon you'
I wondered if I should sit down by our creek to watch the butterflies dance in the cool and quiet when my ipod's battery died as if in answer. I sat and reflected for awhile then headed home.
Continuing up the hill with butterfly still flitting around me I wondered if I had become a butterfly after last year. With that thought I looked down on the ground and there on the road were two little butterfly wings waiting just for me.
My Blessed bracelet I bought in Sitka, Alaska. I wear it every day and have had to repair it twice.Once when it was broken it had been waiting for a couple of weeks to be fixed. Out of the blue I felt my arm wondering where it was.I had not really missed it before then. I had been in a lull with my book and proposal and suddenly I needed my bracelet back on. I got it out and fixed it. Within hours of wearing it again my thoughts were flowing with my book and ideas. My bracelet is my reminder of where I have been, where I am going and what I would love to achieve.
My little pieces of me are sitting on my note book. Here I write my thoughts and ideas. It is an amazing book as more than once I have opened it and found I have already written the words I am needing.
On the back of my note book are the words 'It is here where she must begin to tell her story.....'
My story is about sharing little pieces of me.
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